This examination and educational System is founded in hope of developing an intelligent and modern system that improve the education process and serve the students worldwide. The project is developed for all students from all educational levels with the possibility of adding materials for university students in the future.
The methodology of Palses.com “Palestinian School Education and Examination System” is to provide educational material through exams and tests to measure the level of students or applicants before presenting the educational material. The exams will be evaluated electronically and the results will be shown immediately. The educational material such as video and text explanation will be presented based on the knowledge level of the students or participants.
The system allow users to register, add exams, add all common type of questions like: Multiple-choice, true/false, matching, blank fill, select from list and fill gab in table questions, reordering questions and fill in Gap questions.
The system is developed In PHP and Mysql in Model View Controller Design Pattern with all modern and secure technology.
Online Version: www.palses.com